2 year Funded Classes
2 year Funded Classes
Check on t​he website: www.sefton.gov.uk/2yearolds to see if your 2 year old might be eligible for 15 hours free childcare a week, term-time only. All you need is parent's surname, date of birth and your NI number. The site gives you an immediate answer. You will need to print off or email across your voucher to us. You only have to pay for meals or provide a packed lunch.
3 year Funded Classes - 15 hours and 30 hours
3 year Funded Classes - 15 hours and 30 hours
All 3 and 4 years olds are entitled to 15 hours free childcare, term-time only, the term after their 3rd birthday. At Formby Day Nursery we offer this in a variety of different ways. Parents who work 16.5hrs a week or more could also be eligible for an additional 15hrs free childcare (30hrs altogether). To apply for a code you will need to apply via the website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk . If you are eligible you will receive an 11 digit code which you can pass on to nursery to receive your free childcare. At Formby Day Nursery we allow parents to use their full 30 hours each week. There are no top up fees and no part funded places. The only charge is for meals and other consumables during the day. You can use your 30 hours from 9am-3pm over 5 days a week.