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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Formby Day Nursery is committed to being fully inclusive.

All children are entitled to an education, that enables them to:
  •  achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, and
  • become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views and ready to make the transition into compulsory education.


The nursery has a fully qualified and well experienced SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) whose role it is to work in full partnership with parents/carers of children who have or may have additional needs and/or disabilities.


This includes:

  • discussing with parents/carers if there are any emerging difficulties in a child's learning and development
  • referring to outside professional agencies where necessary
  • working in partnership with parents and other professional agencies
  • ensuring effective observations, assessments and target plans are carried out and updated regularly - the setting follows the graduated response of assess, plan, do , review
  • ensuring appropriate adjustments are made to enable all children to be able to access a full curriculum


For a full copy of the nursery's SEND policy, please email the setting.


If your child has a diagnosed Special Educational Need or Disability prior to joining the setting, do come and have a look round, discuss their needs with us and we will work in full partnership with you to ensure a smooth transition into the setting.



Sefton's local offer website has a wealth of information about the different services that are available across Sefton.









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